PowerVR OpenGl ES 2.0 winodws PC emulation example Run-Time Check Failure #0

I am new to PowerVR OpenGl ES platform. I have downloaded PowerVR SDK on windows am trying to run the examples given in the SDK and implemented few sample programs to make it work in visual studio 2013.

I am getting an exception as Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention at command line eglDisplay = eglGetDisplay(deviceContext); in the examples. Any program of OpenGL ES is resulting in the same exception and am getting a blank page.

Is there any solution to this? I am implementing examples provided in SDK in visual studio 2013, Windows 8.1 PC, computer name MSC17709, 64 bit OS, Intel core i7. Please advice me how to run OpenGL ES 2.0 program in windows PC.


What GPU do you have installed, and what graphics driver version?

graphics driver version is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti and Intel® HD Graphics 4600. Thanks

Hi Anusha,

Have you check that your graphics drivers are up to date?

Did this problem occur with an unmodified Example from our SDK? If you can provide reproduction steps for the issue, we can investigate.

Hello Joe,

Yes My graphics drivers are up to date.
Yes, the problem occurs from unmodified example in SDK.
Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention. exception at line such as m_EGLDisplay = eglGetDisplay(m_NDT);

can you please suggest me how to proceed,


[blockquote]Yes, the problem occurs from unmodified example in SDK.[/blockquote]
Which example did you use to reproduce the issue? Are there any SDK examples that run without encountering this issue? Once we have reproduction steps, we will investigate.

Yes,only few examples are working in intermediate and advanced such as Five Spheres, Lighting, skybox etc.

Can you list some examples that are not working? We’ve never seen this problem before. The more specific you can be of the reproduction steps, the easier it will be for us to investigate.

hello, nothing in the beginner examples are working and
In advanced - OGLES PolyBump
In advanced - OGLES Skybox
In advanced - OGLES EvilSkull
In Intermediate - OGLES FiveSpheres
In Intermediate - OGLES Antialiased Lines
In Intermediate - OGLES lighting
In Intermediate - OGLES MatrixPalltte
In Intermediate - OGLES OptimizedMesh
In Intermediate - OGLES ShadowTechniques
In Intermediate - OGLES Trilinear
In Intermediate - OGLES UserClipPlanes

except these no other examples are working in intermediate and advanced.

The same error is occurring as in the picture when compiled at egldisplay etc in PVRShellAPI.cpp.

Hi Anusha,

We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue with the OGLES2OcclusionQueries demo. Can you check which OpenGL ES and EGL libraries you are linking to? We suspect the error may be caused by your application linking against some of PVRVFrames libraries and some from another driver (e.g. a native NVidia OpenGL ES driver).

If you can share your Visual Studio output with us, it should help us determine if there are any issues with your dynamic linking.