PVRGeoPod and Maya 2017 Not Loading


When I try to load the PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle into Maya 2017 I get this error:
// Error: line 1: Unable to dynamically load : /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle
dlopen(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle, 1): Library not loaded: @executable_path/QtGui
Referenced from: /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle
Reason: image not found //
// Error: line 1: dlopen(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle, 1): Library not loaded: @executable_path/QtGui
Referenced from: /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle
Reason: image not found (PVRGeoPOD_v2017) //

Any Ideas?


Hi Andrew,

most likely the problem is that PVRGeoPOD can’t find the Qt libararies it depends on.
One simple solution is to install Qt 5.5 and add the binary folder to the system path.


Hmm this doesn’t seem to have worked… I may have done it wrong!

I Downloaded QT5.5 and added INSTALL_DIR/Qt/5.5/clang_64/bin to the $PATH.

I wasn’t sure exactly which folder you were referring to as the “binary folder”

I never had this problem with the older versions of this plugin?


Hi Andrew,

that is supposed to be the correct folder.
Let me check it and get back to you shortly.


Hi is there any progress on this?

We have been testing out exporting via FBX then to POD but so far the results are slightly strange, as it has over doubled the vertex count on export (and therefore doubled the file size)…

Also we can’t seem to load .tga textures into PVRShamen, it just says it has failed to load them… Not a major problem we can use an older version from a couple of years back that works fine, but I just thought I would mention it…


Hi Andrew,

I am looking at these two issues now. I have been able to reproduce the first issue. It is not a problem with the QT libraries but with the pvrgeopod bundle. I do not know which is the problem yet but I think it might be related to the new v2 signature. As soon as I fix it I will send you a new version.
The other problem you mention with the stand-alone version, I cannot reproduce. I always get the same size. I think your problem might be related to how FBX is exported or maybe to the optimizations that are applied to it.




Thanks for getting back to me.
Glad you could repro the problem with the bundle.

Ignore the following if i’m completely wrong but I do know that Maya 2017 has upgraded QT to version 5 and as a result the PySide python library has been updated to PySide2 as well, this brings with it a few api changes. I had to update a few scripts to work with PySide2, here is a link talking about how to fix this https://fredrikaverpil.github.io/2016/07/25/dealing-with-maya-2017-and-pyside2/
Again if it is nothing to do with this I apologise…

As for the FBX what you say about optimisation sounds about right. Depending on how we manipulate the normals on a cube can either break the POD file or not…
You can see in the FBX ascii file that in certain situations the normals are mapped by model vertice rather than polygonal vertex, therefore ending up with a different amount of values…
We have seen this in many places and makes FBX -> POD unusable unfortunately.

Thanks so much for all your help,

Hi Andrew,

Actually you are right, the problem is related to the new QT5 support: We were not using the proper libraries customized by Autodesk to build the plug-in. I am looking into sorting this out but it might take a while.
Also, thanks, for the tip about FBX. I will have a look. I think I know what might be the problem.



Hi Andrew,

I have found a workaround to make the PVRGeoPOD plug-in to work with the new Maya 2017 on Mac.
Download this package: http://cdn.imgtec.com/sdk/PVRGeoPOD_Maya2017_hotfix.zip
Copy QTCore and QTGui into Applications/Autodesk/maya2017/Maya/Contents/MacOS
(You need to open the Maya bundle to access the MacOS folder)
Just start Maya and enable the plug-in.

I have tested it and it works for me but let me know if you have any problem.




Thanks for getting back to me about this. So the plugin will now load when I tick it on from the plug-in manager window but when I try to export anything it crashes Maya every time, I never get to see the PVRGeoPod export window…

I have attached the crashLog stuff, It seems to be telling me it is something in QTCore that is the problem I think…


Hi Andrew,

I do not understand why it does not work for you. I have looked for any other hidden dependency but I couldn’t find any. From your log it seems that it is picking up QtCore from a different place. I am wondering whether there might be a clash with PySide2. Are you also loading this plugin?

By the way, could attach the FBX file that breaks. I looked at the code and both normals cases (vertices and polygons) are handled properly.




I believe this is the place it is getting QTCore from: /Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore
I’m not sure what put that there, it may have been an old QT sdk or something? I could try to remove it temporarily to see if that helps?

As for the FBX I have attached a zip with 2 FBX and 2 POD files (they should be self explanatory). The FBX are both created as ascii files so you can see the difference in ‘normals data’ between the two boxes if viewed in a text editor (about 2/3 of the way down through the file). Once converted to POD files and viewed in Shamen you can see the broken normals on the Box_BROKEN.fbx version. I included the POD files just in case you needed to view them…


Sorry for such a quick follow up…
I renamed /Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework to /Library/Frameworks/QtCore_OLD.framework and tried to load the plugin and it breaks again with this message:
// Error: line 1: Unable to dynamically load : /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle
dlopen(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle, 1): Library not loaded: /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore
Referenced from: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2017/Maya.app/Contents/MacOS/QtGui
Reason: image not found //
// Error: line 1: dlopen(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2017/plug-ins/PVRGeoPOD_v2017.bundle, 1): Library not loaded: /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore
Referenced from: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2017/Maya.app/Contents/MacOS/QtGui
Reason: image not found (PVRGeoPOD_v2017) //

Interestingly the version of QTGui you gave me is being used, and from that it is looking for QTCore in /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore but there is no folder called qt in Shared, not even hidden!

Not sure what all this means but it is very strange…

p.s. Also stumbled on this, might be useful… http://around-the-corner.typepad.com/adn/2016/07/-maya-2017-devkit-building-qt-plug-ins-instructions.html


Hi Andrew,

The libraries should try to load the framework from /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib but if they are not found, it will try to load from /Libraries/Frameworks folder. I have updated the package (link above) to include the two frameworks. Copy these in /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib to see whether this fixes the issue.



It worked!!!

I placed the QtCore and QtGui files into Maya.app/Contents/MacOS and the .framework files into the /Users/Shared/qt/4.8.6/lib and it worked…

The file size of the exported POD files is now back down to half the size as the FBX -> POD files. Yay!!!

Thanks for your help,

Hi Andrew,

I am glad that this finally fixed the plug-in for you. I will tidy up all this for our next release so it is not this cumbersome. Many thanks for all your help solving this issue! I will look at the FBX problem next.



Hi Andrew,

I have fixed the problem with FBX. It was a silly bug in the code. We are planning to do a new public re-spin of our 16.2 release where we will add this new fixed version. If for any reason you need it sooner, let me know and I should be able to share it with you.



Hi Andrew, I’ve done everything you say in Maya 2017 for Mac, and now it crashes Maya.

I need a further fix for this.