PvrTexTool gui not starting on Ubuntu 22 nor 24

Hello guys,
i tried 3 different mashine, but none of them was able to run the newest pvrtextool.

qt.qpa.wayland: Failed to load client buffer integration: "wayland-egl"
qt.qpa.wayland: Available client buffer integrations: QList()
qt.qpa.wayland: No shell integration named "xdg-shell" found
qt.qpa.wayland: No shell integration named "wl-shell" found
qt.qpa.wayland: No shell integration named "ivi-shell" found
qt.qpa.wayland: Loading shell integration failed.
qt.qpa.wayland: Attempted to load the following shells QList("xdg-shell", "wl-shell", "ivi-shell")

After running wayland-info looks like ubuntu supports the interface: ‘gtk_shell1’ (version: 5). So none of the shells are supported.
Is there any way to make pvrtextool run on ubuntu?


Hi collerblade3,

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue.

I have filled an internal ticket and reported to the Tools Team which will take a look. I will let you know any updates.

Best regards,