Hi, I’m trying to get PVRTrace working on a my custom SoC(w/ PowerVR Furian GT9524). The PVRTrace can capture most of egl applications but it can’t capture the weston process. The weston compositor has gl-renderer and it loads libEGL/GLESv2 library for rendering but PVRTrace can’t detect weston renderer. My test command is as follow:
root@test# source Scripts/envsetup.sh
Setting the shell to use PVRTrace…
PVRHub directory set up as /home/root/pvr
OpenGL ES libraries found on the system!
Changing the base configuration file...
PVRTrace config file has been updated:
EglLibraryPath set to "/usr/lib/libEGL.so.1",
Es1LibraryPath set to "",
Es2LibraryPath set to "/usr/lib/libGLESv2_PVR_MESA.so"
NOTE: To edit the pvrtraceconfig.json just use a text editor of your choice
Path updated with the Scripts/ directory
ln: /home/root/pvr/PVRTrace/Recorder/libEGL.so.1: File exists
ln: /home/root/pvr/PVRTrace/Recorder/libGLES_CM.so.1: File exists
ln: /home/root/pvr/PVRTrace/Recorder/libGLESv1_CM.so.1: File exists
ln: /home/root/pvr/PVRTrace/Recorder/libGLESv2.so.2: File exists
Created common symbolic links to PVRTrace libraries
Run: "source Scripts/start_tracing.sh" to start a system wide trace.
Run: "source Scripts/stop_tracing.sh" to stop the system wide trace.
Run: "pvr_trace Application" to trace the desired application.
Run: "pvr_profile Application" to profile the desired application.
Environment setup OK
root@test# source Scripts/start_tracing.sh
Enabling system wide tracing…
PVRTrace configuration:
EglLibraryPath set to "/usr/lib/libEGL.so.1",
Es1LibraryPath set to "",
Es2LibraryPath set to "/usr/lib/libGLESv2_PVR_MESA.so"
OutputFilename set to "/home/root/pvr/recordings/trace-%pid.pvrtrace",
NOTE: pvrtrace.cfg can be edited with any text editor.
root@test# weston --backend=drm-backend.so --tty=14 --idle-time=0 &
There is nothing in /home/root/pvr/recordings/ path.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.