Testing with PVRTrace in the 2016 R1.1 SDK (Recorder Version: 16.1@3980846), I noticed my glProgramBinary calls failing again. I also noticed this note emitted by the recorder lib:
[blockquote]PVRTrace has disabled support for shader/program binaries in the API. This can be changed by setting DisableBinaries to false in the config.[/blockquote]
First, to verify which section I should add it to, I checked the PVRTrace User Manual. That setting isn’t listed. You might add that.
Second, I went ahead and added it to the “Tracing” section:
[blockquote] “DisableBinaries”: false[/blockquote]
and it didn’t make any difference. All of my glProgramBinary calls (which work under PVRVFrame w/o trace) are still throwing GL_INVALID_ENUM, and I still see the “PVRTrace has disabled support for shader/program binaries…” message on startup of the recorder libs.
What’s the procedure for enabling program binary support through PVRTrace?