SDK - Retrieve information about the POD exporter

In the POD file there is a string of characters that indicates information about the exporter

For instance the string:

'PVRGeoPOD x64 2.14.2 | Blender v2.67 (sub 0) | Python v3.3.0 | 3.1’

Can’t be retrieved from ReadFromFile, nor apeears to be in the user data nor description.

Is it posible to retrieve this information through SDK?

This information is useful to convert some parameters that vary with each exporter.

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allow me to believe that only the Pod Version that is really important ,the one specified in POD File Format Specification associated to the sdk and PVRSHaman, it s clearly independent of any authoring tools as well witch is a very good things.It s a beautifull container




In PVRSHaman spot light cutoff angles in POD files exported by Blender are in radians converted from radians, wich is a very small angle. While Maya exported POD files shows the cutoff angle ok, i.e. degrees converted to radians.

This is an issue of the Blender POD exporter, wich happens to be included in the SDK, it export the cutoff angle in radians while PVRSHaman expets degrees.

i see , it this case and for now it look better to export it as a Collada DAE.This work fine;)

I’ll try it, thanks for the advice

is it easy to do a render to texture using blender ?
i mean how it is flexible to manage UV?
In the POD file there is a string of characters that indicates information about the exporter

For instance the string:

'PVRGeoPOD x64 2.14.2 | Blender v2.67 (sub 0) | Python v3.3.0 | 3.1'

Can't be retrieved from ReadFromFile, nor apeears to be in the user data nor description.

Is it posible to retrieve this information through SDK?


You should be able to retrieve the info by

char history[256];
m_Scene.ReadFromFile(c_szSceneFile, NULL, 0, history, 256);

history will contain the information. The POD file in this situation won't be loaded into m_Scene and you should ignore the return value.



didnt know that good to learn from the Pod Father !! :slight_smile:

is it easy to do a render to texture using blender ?
i mean how it is flexible to manage UV?

I'm quite new to blender, switched from maya because the lack of a good Bullet Physics exporter.

Im not sure if blender can do the same things with UV that maya does, sorry.

i didnt know that blender can export serialized object for bullet ?

i didnt know that blender can export serialized object for bullet ?

Yes, this is how

that is really good , do you use Filewrap after ? or you store the serialized file on disc ?

that is really good , do you use Filewrap after ? or you store the serialized file on disc ?

It stores a .bullet file that can be previewed with

...and loaded at run time with the bullet class btBulletWorldImporter

i mean bool loadFileFromMemory(char *memoryBuffer, int len);

can be use using FileWrap tools from the sdk then that is cool.

hmm… didn’t know about FileWrap, I think it is possible.

Check this

Filewrap is use in the sdk to use in memory file , it s quite super usefull ,

and we can directly use

bool loadFileFromMemory(char *memoryBuffer, int len); from btBulletWorldImporter

const char* const pszSrcFile = "myBulletObject.bullet";
CPVRTResourceFile BulletFile(pszSrcFile);
const char* pTextData = (const char*) BulletFile.DataPtr();

Filewrap is use in the sdk to use in memory file , it s quite super usefull ,

const char* const pszSrcFile = "myBulletObject.bullet";
CPVRTResourceFile BulletFile(pszSrcFile);
const char* pTextData = (const char*) BulletFile.DataPtr();

Quite useful indeed!
Do you know if it is optimized for the iOS platform too.

that is interesting