Collada2POD GUI with -UP= command

I am trying to change the the up flag(by default Y ) to Z with COllada2POD GUI, but I only found the way to change that with the command line on the documentation like the following.

The -up flag is optional. By default Collada2POD converts the scene so Y is up, the -up flag overrides this. It currently can have three values, -up=Y will convert the scene so Y is up,

-up=Z will convert the scene so Z is up and -up will not do any conversion.

Is is possible to change the up flag on the Collada2POD as well?

Thank you

I meant

Is it possible to change the up flag on the Collada2POD GUI as well?



The collada2pod gui works in the same way as the PVRGeoPOD exporters in that it only allows you to output a pod file in the opengl or directx coordinate system. So no Z as up option. I'm afraid to say the new version of the command-line Collada2POD has also been changed to bring it in line with the rest so the -up option has been removed.



