I’m trying to load a collada mesh with about 20 subobjects. 6k triangles total. The program appears to be hanging (50% CPU for a loooong time).
A related question: In my collada mesh, I have some buildings, terrain, and other such things. Does collada2pod try to tristrip as if this is all one giant mesh, or does it treat each building and terraign chunk as a separate object?
Still going after 6 hours.
The linux version of Collada2POD is not hanging, so I’m going to just bail and use that.
<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The tri-stripping is done on a per mesh basis.
The program appears to be hanging
If the hang is reproducible could you send the collada file to devtech@imgtec.com please.
Yes, it is reproducible. I’ll package it up.
Sorry, I’m not up on my terminology. When you say “per mesh”, does mesh imply every triangle in the .pod file or each mesh in the .pod file? If the first is true, then I’ll certainly want to split up into multiple smaller pod files.
Sorry, I'm not up on my terminology. When you say "per mesh", does mesh imply every triangle in the .pod file or each mesh in the .pod file? If the first is true, then I'll certainly want to split up into multiple smaller pod files.