Enabling the support for Wayland-GNOME Window Manager on Ubuntu 22.04 on GPU

Hello Team,

We have been working on enabling the Wayland - GNOME Desktop Manager support over GPU on our RISC-V Platform, but we’re seeing issues when trying to launch the gdm session. We’re able to bring up the gdm-session with GPU enabled, but the performance is very poor when trying to launch the gdm-session over CPU. But with GPU after exploring the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, we’re unable to launch the gdm3 services as catching up error as below:.

root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-session
/usr/libexec/gnome-session-binary: symbol lookup error: /lib/riscv64-linux-gnu/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_ft_font_options_substitute

We’re successfully able to generate the DDK Built for Wayland WS, But we would like to know is there any tools or binaries that would come available after building the IMG-DDK for Wayland WS that we can use to launch or integrate/enable/support with other Wayland based window managers such as GDM3 and other services…

So i also would like to know there are any specific files that needs to be replaced/linked in the GNOME or Wayland environment from the IMG_DDK DISCIMG generated for Wayland Window System to make GNOME/Wayland Env run on the GPU?

In Addition to the above, I further tired to launch the ‘weston’ services and caught up with few issues:

  • After setting the path as suggested with the Integration Doc, still i’m unable to launch the wayland ddk tests and encountering ‘Failed to Connect to Wayland Display’…

root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/run/user/
root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1
root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# ldconfig
root@Ubuntu-riscv64:~# wgles1test1 -f 100
Failed to connect to Wayland display

It’ll be highly appreciate if you could provide us with some details which will help us to make progress further.

Ravi Kiran

Hi RaviKiran,

Thanks for your message.

I was informed you are already discussing those topics through an internal ticket.

I recommend you continue asking question through that internal ticket please.

Best regards,

Hello @AlejandroC , Thanks for your message.

Yes. I’ve also posted a Internal Ticket and yet to get any response. Meanwhile if you do have any suggestion which could be helpful, You can also let us know. Thank you!

Ravi Kiran