I am facing some difficulties to Export Color Vertices form 3d Studio Max 9.0. Here My problem are:
1. I am using PowerVR 1.1 OGLES SDK for mY N95 Symbian phone & also using PVRGeoPOD_2.06 version to export .pod/.cpp file from 3d Studio Max. When I draw object in 3D studio max & then export it directly in to two .cpp (float.cpp & fixed.cpp)file with color vertex export. Using this .cpp files I can implement 3D object in my symbian program. But the problem is that this object is drawing as white color. That means the color which I given in 3D studio max to that object not drawing same color in my symbian program.
Even I export this object in .pvr format from 3d studio max then export it .cpp using make.content. But color still not worked....
So what I am doing wrong here? please specify....thanks
2. The 2nd problem is when I draw some text in 3d studio max 9(create->shape->text) and then export it to .cpp(float & fixed) files using PVRGeoPOD_2.06 . I try to implement this text object using same opengles coding as other 3d studio object I drawn in my program but there is no text output/draw nothing in the phone screen. That means text is not drawing.
Even all the item(ex: line,star,rectengualar,text etc) in shape(create->shape) can't draw in my symbian opengles coding.
Yea I already given color setting as ARGB and export it with color vertex. but still not work..
When I draw a new colorful object in 3d Studio Max as a new project and then I export it as .pod(float & fixed) format.But when I open this .pod file in PVRShaman still the object render as white color . Not draw the original color as I used in 3D max. So where is problem?
Can you explain what you mean by collapse the mesh ?
Is there any example/training/document where star/text/line can convert to meshes as you mentioned that exporter can not export star/tect from 3D studio max.
I am using 3D Studio Max9 and SDK OGLES-1.1_SYMBIAN_S60_3RD_ARMV6_2.06.26.0649.msi for Symbian.
Not draw the original color as I used in 3D max. So where is problem?
Not sure. How are you applying the vertex colours in Max?
rassall_jubair wrote:
Can you explain what you mean by collapse the mesh ?
If you right-click on the 'Modifier List' of an object you get an option to collapse the list.
rassall_jubair wrote:
Is there any example/training/document where star/text/line can convert to meshes as you mentioned that exporter can not export star/tect from 3D studio max.
It should be as simple as adding a 'Turn to Mesh' modifier to your object.