Finally we have released our 2.3 SDK and it can be downloaded from POWERVR Insider. I am sorry this has taken so long (the target date was end of August) but we have some infrastructural problems to sort out before the release.
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These are the new things you can find in this new SDK:
Overhaul to PVRTools to enhance its consistency on naming conventions and behavior (application relaying on the old PVRTools will need some modifications to build with this new version).
The OpenGL ES 1.1 Demos & Training Courses have been rewritten to support VBOs and our ‘virtual’ file system. Some new additions like ‘antialiased lines’
PVRUniSCo Editor has now GLSL ES cycle count profile and it supports DX10 shaders.
PVRShaman now fully supports DirectX10 effects using Microsoft Effect files.
The back end of Collada2POD has been rewritten to remove the Collada DOM and now includes partial support for meshes described by polygons.
PVRTexTool has seen a major reworking in the internal texture encoding and decoding system along with the addition of formats for DirectX 10 and OpenVG. Plug-ins are now present for newer versions of Autodesk 3DSMAX and both GUI and command line versions support the Nokia NGAGE2 .NGT format.
OGLES2 PC Emulation libraries (PVRVFrame) have several important enhancements and fixes.
PVRGeoPOD supports now an "export matrices" option (for animation) and it has some fixes.
PVRTune has undergone many changes in this release, including performance optimisations, fixes and new features. (Note that this application requires supports by the drivers not publicly available yet)
Also my apologies for the lack of response to some of the threads in the forum. We are now working to make sure this forum is alive and everybody get answered.
Thanks for your patience.