openGL es 2.0 skinning animaion on vertex shader

hello you can help me ? me need base tutorial or source for skinning animation on vertex shader or help me fix me source

i have same source on openGL 2.0 ((((( me need on openGL es 2.0



// GLSL vertex shader for skeletal animation

#define N     100
#define EPS   0.001

uniform vec4 boneQuat [N];
uniform vec4 bonePos [N];

// Quaternion multiplication

vec4 quatMul ( in vec4 q1, in vec4 q2 )
    vec3 im = q1.w * + * q2.w + cross (, );
    vec4 dt = q1 * q2;
    float re = dot ( dt, vec4 ( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ) );

    return vec4 ( im, re );

// vector rotation via quaternion

vec4 quatRotate ( in vec3 p, in vec4 q )
    vec4 temp = quatMul ( q, vec4 ( p, 0.0 ) );
    return quatMul ( temp, vec4 ( -q.x, -q.y, -q.z, q.w ) );

vec3 boneTransf ( int index, vec3 pos )
    return bonePos [index].xyz + quatRotate ( pos, boneQuat [index] ).xyz;

void     main ()
    vec4    weights = gl_MultiTexCoord3;        // weights for 4 bones
    vec3    pos     = vec3 ( 0.0 );
    int     index;

    if ( weights.x > EPS )                      // process 1st bone
    {                                           // get 1st bone index
        index = int ( gl_MultiTexCoord4.w );
        pos += weights.x * boneTransf ( index, );

    if ( weights.y > EPS )                      // process 2nd bone
    {                                           // get 2nd bone index
        index = int ( gl_MultiTexCoord5.w );
        pos += weights.y * boneTransf ( index, );

    if ( weights.z > EPS )                      // process 3rd bone
    {                                           // get 3rd bone index
        index = int ( gl_MultiTexCoord6.w );
        pos += weights.z * boneTransf ( index, );

    if ( weights.w > EPS )                      // process 4th bone
    {                                           // get 4th bone index
        index = int ( gl_MultiTexCoord7.w );
        pos += weights.w * boneTransf ( index, );

    gl_Position     = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4 ( pos, 1.0 );
    gl_TexCoord [0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;

i see demos gremlin ( openGL es 2.0 ) if you use shaders for skinning animation in gremlin pleeeaaas give me source !

fnks for you support !idarkstranger2009-06-23 10:29:16

All you have to do to make this shader GLSL ES compatible is to replace the built-in variables (except gl_Position) with your own uniforms (glMultiTexCoord# and gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix) and varyings (gl_TexCoord[0]).

However, many OpenGL ES 2.0 implementations are limited to 128 uniform vec4s. You will have to significantly reduce the number of bones to make the shader work on these implementations.

hi fnks for you answer

if you can fix my source plz fix

I only learn also in me to understand easier by a working example

After that I can analyze and use already received knowledge in other prolemmas))))

There is a skinning training course in our SDK that you may want to look at. This works on mobile devices and PC emulation.