Hi all,
I've got a simple scene I made in Blender 2.64a for Mac. It contains one square plane (as triangles), and 3 icospheres, one at each corner of the plane. When I export to Collada format and then open the Collada file using Blender or Mac OSX preview, everything is correct.
When I convert to POD format using PVRGeoPODGUI, the rotation of the plane and the camera (and probably also the icospheres) are very different to what they were in Blender. This is when I view the POD using PVRShaman. (My app is showing the same thing as PVRShaman.)
When I go into Blender and set the rotation of my plane to 0,0,0, export to DAE, convert to POD and view the POD, it now looks the same as in Blender. I suspect if I were to transform the vertices of the plane to incorporate the rotation (rather than the rotation being an attribute of the node) then it would appear correctly in the POD.
Are there any known issues with interpreting rotation of nodes in Collada files for PVRGeoPODGUI? Is the workaround to have rotation of 0,0,0 and apply the rotation to every vertex?
(Z is "up" in my Blender file, by the way.)
I can confirm that only the plane has the wrong rotation. If I divide the plane into many smaller faces, it is no longer rotated. What is happening?
jadeburton2012-11-06 20:26:05