[Using Maya 2009 x64 with PVRSDK 3.2+ Toolset]

Hi there,

I am presently using PVRSDK 3.2 and accompanying toolset with Maya 2009 x64. As there is no plugin prior to Maya 2010, I am having to use (OpenCOLLADA_Maya_1.3.0_x64) as an intermediate step when exporting from Maya before conversion using GeoPod.

Somewhere during the export/conversion process, the Y, Z translations are being swapped. This is most noticeable with skinned geometry, when I attempt to key bone translations (not rotations). I have also noticed the same axis reversal when attempting to animate an object along a motion path. This issue can be viewed in Shaman itself. Also, I could not find any setting which would allow me to specify the up axis for collada exporter itself.

Any suggestions or possible solutions would be appreciated . Of course, A 2009 plug-in would be awesome so the Collada step can be skipped, but that may be wishful thinking.



Hi Jason,

Section 4.5.1. of our latest PVRGeoPOD User Manual lists known limitations;

  • Only meshes constructed from triangles, convex polygons, and polylists are supported.

  • Animations represented by curves are not supported.

  • Skinned animations may not always export correctly; this varies by exporter but has been
    confirmed to work with OpenCOLLADA for 3D Studio Max.

Unfortunately, the COLLADA to POD conversion in our tools is at the mercy of the input COLLADA file structure. As mentioned above, we've ensured that our tool is compatible with COLLADA files output by the 3D Studio Max OpenCOLLADA exporter.

Our 3.0 SDK had a Maya 2009 plugin. At that point in time though, we only built 32-bit versions of our plugins so it may not be of use to you.


Hi Joe,

With a little fiddling, I have been able to get the skinning part of it working (avoiding translations)…which is the most important thing.

Thanks for your feedback,


Hi Jason,

Glad to hear you’ve made progress. If you have any more questions about the POD tools or format, let us know.



Hi Joe,

Quick question…Will PVRGeoPOD_v2014.mll plugin work Maya LT?



Hi Jason,

IIRC, one of the restrictions of Maya LT is that it doesn’t support plug-ins. We’ve not had a chance to try the tool and confirm this though.

