gl_FragData index max supported 1 - Windows Emulator GL ES 3.0


I just updated to the latest emulator for Windows (GLES 3.0) and I got an error that I haven’t before:

scode lang="{language}" The shader failed OpenGL ES shader validation. Call glGetShaderInfoLog to retrieve the shader info log.
Failed to compile pixel shader: Compile failed.
ERROR: 0:139: Active array size for gl_FragData is 2, greater than number of draw buffers supported: 1
ERROR: 0:140: Active array size for gl_FragData is 2, greater than number of draw buffers supported: 1
ERROR: 0:142: Active array size for gl_FragData is 3, greater than number of draw buffers supported: 1
ERROR: 0:143: Active array size for gl_FragData is 3, greater than number of draw buffers supported: 1
ERROR: 0:149: Active array size for gl_FragData is 4, greater than number of draw buffers supported: 1
ERROR: 5 compilation errors. No code generated.[/scode]

With the previous version I was able to render the 4 render targets at the same time, now I got this error, should I specify something to get it working again?


Hi Daniel,

Are you using PVR VFrame? What is the previous version? What is the current version? How could we reproduce the problem?
