Multiple problems running PVRInsider tools on linux x64


I’m using PVRInsider SDK linux x64 version and I’ve met a problems

  1. blender plugin crash on scene export


    WARNING: No tag found. Tag will be recreated.

    *** glibc detected *** blender: free(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000569be28 ***

    ======= Backtrace: =========































































  2. when I export scene to Collada format and then use PVRGeoPOD tool. Camera settings are wrong and I can’t change them using PVRShaman, only from position is saved

    Best regards,

    Misha Vakulich


about the second problem , down to the scene explorer it s possible to change the camera settings , and by m side it s working well ,( i am using PVRShaman 2.1.2 right now ).

are you sure you dbl click on the camera located in the second treeview ?



yep, I go to the settings dialog of camera,

changes from “Parameters” and “From” section are saved after pressing “Ok” buttons,

even view is re-rendered while I’m doing a changes in dialog,

but changes within sections “To” and “Up” are not saved maybe some problems with exporter that breaks .pod file

By the way I’m using PVRShaman 2.1.2 Sdk build 3.1@2323985

Best regards

Misha Vakulich


Yes you are right the To and Up are not saved , i guess it s probably better to set it programatically depending the need of the scene no ?




will do that programatically for now,

but it is a bit confusing that it is really hard to just export the scene and test how it looks like on real device

Best regards

Misha Vakulich

Previously we had the PVREngine that was super easy to test but the team removed it…

maybe it s time to make it back to live (PVREngine) ?

it s true that PVRShaman is quick to visualize and it s a must to compile ,test PFX ( that is a really cool feature )

it s missing the extra miles to deploy easily and quickly , the only requirement should to set a PFX file and a POD () why not many)