We have posted our latest brand new 2.6 SDK release in our POWERVR Insider site.
This new release includes Android SDKs for Motorola Droid, a new PVRTrace utility and a version of our PVRGeoPOD plug-in for Blender.
Check also out the new demos Water and Post Processing and the white papers explaining some of the tricks used.
(Before you ask, Release 1 was in the CD handed over at GDC. This is an improved version)
Link for Mac doesnt work!
Hi Kris,
It should be fixed now.
It doesn't seem to be positioning the camera, correctly, though. If I export the default Blender file (the simple cube, with the camera looking right at it) to .pod with default settings, and open it up in PVRShaman, the camera isn't looking at the cube (the cube is off to the side). But export the same file to collada, then run it through Collada2POD, and PVRShaman shows the cube centered, as it should. This is with Blender 2.49b.
Yes, this is the first release of the Blender plug-in and it is still a bit rough. We are planning to make the UI identical to the other plug-ins and Collada2POD (including remembering the settings).
The problem with the camera displacement is something we have also found after release. It is filed in our system as BRN29831. As soon as we have a fix we will update the plug-in in our web site.
Best regards
Can you also confirm that the interleaved option doesn’t work?
These are the current known limitations to the Blender PVRGeoPOD plug-in:
1 - ‘Export options->Geometry’ not functional: Geometry will always exported.
2 - ‘Geometry options->Triangle sorting method’ not implemented.
3 - ‘Geometry options->Interleave vectors’ not implemented.'
4 - Skinning done with envelopes is not supported.
5 - Exported camera position is not correct.
6 - Post-export command-line not functional on Windows.
7 - User Interface not using common interface.
Hopefully these issues will be solved shortly.
Best regards
Okay, thanks. I look forward to the next release.
About the plug-in for Blender, I found some issues that didn't be mentioned above.
1. the properties of the materials are wrong.
Thanks for feedback.
1. As foor shiness value set to 50 , It will be fixed with next release.
2. To see texture in PVRShaman you need to have a texture in the same location as the POD file that was a result of your export. Eventually you should be asked by PVRShaman for a missing texture and you can then point the location of it. POD file stores only the name of the texture file . To export scene including texture data (tex coords) you need to have mapping channles options activated (activate by default), and materials used in the scene should have given texture attached. If none of the things I have mentioned applied to your case (evrything is alright) then please could you send as (devtech@imgtec.com) your blend file , and blender version as well.