Simple Lena Quad POD

Hi again -

Just running through all the PVRShaman demos to get acquainted. I have the latest SDK on Mac and they all run except for the quad.pod (with the ubiquitous Lena!). Just a dark screen. I simplified the frag to the most basic vertex/shader possible and still no go. So I looked into the Object Data for Plane 01 and inspected Vertices and UVs (should be all that’s relevant right?) A few questions:

- should it run out of box?

- The vertices seem to be in a different order. The vertex code suggests an xzy order

              Â gl_Position = vec4(inVertex.x, inVertex.z, 0, 1.0);


- About the UV0 setting. How does the utility “glDraw”? In strips or fans or other? How is that controller.

I would like to setup a very simple quad for either strip or fan ordering -1,-1 1,-1 1,1 -1,1 with a standard UV map of 0,0 1,0 1,1 0,1. At the moment, all I need is a simple quad scene to test some ES2 shaders for image post-processing. No fancy 3D. I am new to the POD and its object format.

Any suggestions and clarifications to the previous questions are appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Patrice

Update: created a simple quad object and the scene renders her just fine. Still not sure what is happening in ripple and refact. At least I experiment with my shaders there.

pkouame2010-11-18 19:39:51

Ok - I’m developing a nasty habit of answering my own questions…(while waiting ahem…)

1 - Anyway the vshader isn’t transforming the position correctly. The MVPMatrix dropped out as a factor for gl_position (typo?) As such nothing will show.

2- The vertex vector being passed to gl_position is swapping Y for Z.

I believe the vshader should look something like this (if I understand the intent…)


     NAME VertShader


          attribute highp      vec4 inVertex;

          attribute mediump vec2 inTexCoord;


          uniform highp   mat4 MVPMatrix;

          varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;


          varying highp vec4 Position;


          void main()


               gl_Position = MVPMatrix * vec4( , 1.0);

               Position = gl_Position;

               TexCoord = inTexCoord;




3 - Lastly, the MVPMatrix needs to be declared in the EFFECT tag. And TextCoord was being flipped vertically (why?)

Again, I am assuming the intent was to blur central parts of her face following the mouse position. I may be wrong of course.

I think Lena may have suffered from some neglect over time :wink: She IS getting a little old in the tooth…
